What is SEO ? How to do Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO ?  How to do Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO: 

What's most vital for any web site is Organic Traffic and also the biggest supply of organic traffic is search engine and search engine that plays the foremost important role in ranking any we tend tobsite KO is SEO.

Many folks who create their own web log or website however they are doing not have correct info concerning SEO, that in any case what is SEO and the way SEO is done. many folks contemplate solely creating backlink as SEO, which is 0.5 the unfinished information.

Until we don't have complete information about what SEO is, until then we keep operating solely with 0.5 incomplete SEO strategy and that we don't get our desired results, then we are disappointed. does one skills many blogs are revealed on the web terribly} day? Otherwise you'll be shocked to grasp that over twenty 100000 blogs are published daily and only on wordpress, and it's very tough to estimate this range once it involves different blogging platform.

If you quote just one article, then scores of blogs are written on only one article, out of that only a number of blogs are available in google search, that 0.0005% of the overall blogs revealed on one article terribly} day. is that the same. speech that 99.99% of blogs aren't even within the high a hundred hundred blogs list of google. and also the biggest reason for this is often S.E.O. If you would like to create a blogging me career, then you've got to scan this subject very seriously, as a result of if you are doing not have full information of SEO, then you can't survive during this line.

These days we are going to understand in this Article, Why it's referred to as SEO? What is SEO and the way tp do SEO? therefore 1st we are going to understand what is the complete style of SEO then we will begin SEO remaining Information.

SEO Full type – “Search Engine Optimization”

What's SEO?

SEO Definition: This is often a method through that we optimize any article or web site to rank higher in search engines. that means through this system we create any web log post compatible with the search engine algorithm, in order that any blog or website written by us trends at the highest in the search engine.

And that we all understand that the web site that trends within the first position in the search engine attracts 50% of the overall traffic to its website. that is enough to create any website popular. This search engine will be Google, Yahoo or Bing. Talking about Republic of India and also the world, once we quote internet search engine, the name of Google comes 1st in our mind, as a result of this search engine is that the most utilized in the whole world.

That’s why all SEO professional do their web log in line with SEO algorithm. Next we are going to talk about these algorithmic factors, by optimizing which we are going to skills to bring our web log to the primary page of Google. 1st we want to grasp however SEO WORKS?


It's important to know how SEO works as a result of untill we tend to don't comprehend this, then we will not be able to understand what Seo is within the correct way. to grasp very however SEO WORKS, we should first understand how the computer program works. Then we will find out how SEO works?

However will computer program Works?

To know how the search engine works, we should 1st perceive the fundamental of search engine. therefore let’s first understand…

What's a research Engine? We tend to all understand that search engine is a search machine. however once we confer with the issue of SEO, then we are going to know that the search engine is a solution machine, that shows the solution to any question asked by any user through the web site on the Internet.

Search Engines have 3 Primary Functions:


Each search engine has its own larva that crawls pages containing info involving the search on the Internet to answer the search query. once that the method of index takes place.


Stores and organizes content found throughout the creeping process. once which the process of presenting the page during a successive manner starts.


Once this shows the pages with the foremost correct and proper info in a sequential manner. Rank is set on the idea of algorithms.

For example, when we search for all the world in Google or any search engine, the search engine larva crawls all the net pages on the web involving that information, then arranges them and also the most correct and Pages with correct info are displayed during a successive manner.

Heaps of things are answerable for ranking these pages, that we all know as formulas. Each search engine has its own separate algorithm however there are some basic factors which are just like each search engine.

The additional web sites which are compatible with these algorithms rank the upper within the we tend tobsite or page search engine. Who are these factors, we are going to know in short about it. 1st we will comprehend keyword in SEO then we will comprehend Ranking factors.

What's Keyword in SEO?

Friends, once we search one thing in Google, then within the language of SEO it's referred to as KEYWORD. For example, as thereforemeone searched Google “What is net”, what's Internet here could be a question for the common man, it is KEYWORD in the language of SEO.

One should use long tail keyword as folks solely use short term keywords while searching, they are doing not use grammar, so additional and more keywords should be utilized in a keyword. And keywords should always be taken in a approach that conjointly defines your content.

High nine Google formula factors to Rank Higher in computer program

There are several factors to create any web site trend within the top, however the fundamental factors that are the foremost important for any website, i'm getting to tell you here. These factors are most vital for the SEO of any website. Let’s understand BASIC SEO issue

Content: the foremost important for any website or web log is its content. The content ought to be full and comprehensive thorough and also the method of writing should also be straightforward and attractive. Write Quality Content and Content Length should be a minimum of a thousand words.

Freshness: Whichever sort is written, keep change the recent information. as a result of everything changes with time. therefore keep the innovation in your web log or article and check out to stay the blogs updated regularly.

Backlink: Backlinks are just like the backbone of any website. Quality and relevant backlink are most important. Relevant means that similar. therefore try and produce a backlink from an internet site just like your website.

Mobile Friendly: today net is most used through mobile. thus your web site ought to be mobile friendly. in order that the user doesn't get any quite drawback from the interface of the website. it's one in all the foremost important and major factors of ranking.

Page Speed: If your website loading time is more, then any user will exit from your website and your bounce rate will increase, that could be a negative purpose for any website. therefore page speed should be good. And page loading time should be a minimum of three seconds.

Schema code: this is often important for native SEO. If you are thinking a way to rank higher in Google then this is often terribly important} factor. Schema markup code makes it easier for search engines to know the phone number, address, etc., particularly of native businesses.

Social Signals are very useful in increasing the name of any website and it also will increase the reach of your website. Facebook, twitter, Pinterest were active on the occasion and shared their merchandise or content with people.

Domain Authority: Here domain means that domain authority similarly as domain niche. opt for a website that's involving your product or blog. For example, if you would like to form a web log on Insurance, then you ought to also take domain connected keywords. It acts as a and point.

HTTPS: HTTPS is one in all the necessary Ranking Factors in line with Google Webmaster Central blog. Therefore, you need to use SSL on your website. It also leaves a sway on the user and is additionally compatible with algorithmic rules.

Bonus Tip [User expertise]: The that means of User Experience is extremely clear. once you visit a website, it's important that however your experience was over all. If the web site is not in line with your mind or according to your convenience, then you'll not wish to go to that web site again. There are many things that rely upon the user experience.

Here are the highest nine Google formula factors to Rank Higher in Search Engine. currently understand the categories of SEO.

Types of SEO

Therefore far, you guys know what SEO is and the way it works? currently let’s quote the types of SEO, that is, what percentage types of SEOs are there.

If you talk about forms of SEO then there are many varieties of SEO. currently you need to be thinking that until now you've got scan or detected concerning On page and Off page SEO, then however am I speech about many types of SEOs.

Friends, SEO has become terribly elaborated today, observing the business module of the internet. whereas On page and Offpage make up Basic SEO category, native SEO and VOICE SEARCH SEO also are turning into very competitive in today’s market.

Here we are going to Discuss about four forms of SEO.


ON Page SEO TECHNIQUE is extremely necessary for any we tend tobsite. Through this technique, we optimize the content and keywords of our web site or blog, and tell the search engine that the answers to the queries searched by the user are answered here. merely put, on-page SEO refers to the changes you create to your site that completely have an effect on its performance.

In on page seo, we make our blog search-friendly and follow all the factors which are the priority of any search engine. on top of I told you concerning the highest ten Google formula factors to Rank Higher in Search Engine.

Out of that several factors are available in the on-page SEO itself, resembling – Content, page speed, user experience, Mobile 1st and SSL etcetera except this, there are additional factors which return below on-page SEO, If guys wish more or full info concerning On Page Seo Comment Down and that i can make a case for each single info about ON-Page SEO in next Article.

#2- What's OFF PAGE SEO

OFF PAGE SEO depends on external factors that have an effect on the performance of your site. you'll be able to management the ON-PAGE SEO however you can't control the response from the OFF PAGE SEO. this is often the second major issue to create your computer program RANKING BOOST.

And conjointly the most vital a part of it's social media sharing. You get several advantages of this, for example, you shared your web site on FACEBOOK. Sharing is in your hands, however you can't management the responses received on it. This promotes your website and also provides traffic.

There are many different similar things below OFF PAGE SEO. If guys wish additional or full info concerning OFF PAGE SEO Comment Down and that i can make a case for each single info concerning OFF PAGE SEO in next Article.

#3- what's native SEO?

If you would like to unfold your business domestically through the Internet, you ought to specialize in native SEO. It will be straightforward and intensely tough reckoning on the circumstances. It depends on the competition at the local level.

This SEO strategy helps you focus on mistreatment methods that assist you reach local customers. this is often an excellent thanks to get additional traffic and customers for your business.

A way to do local SEO?

  • As I said, it depends on the competition to an outsized extent. Keep the standard of your product excellent.
  • Create your business page in BUSINESS DIRECTORY and provides a link to your web site.
  • Still share your product and its subject info by making your page on SOCIAL MEDIA.
  • Promote your website on the FREE CLASSIFIEDS website.
  • Except this, there are several different techniques that are utilized in native SEOs, and continue to study and observe them.


Voice SEO is a new technique in SEO optimizations, that is employed to search content supported voice. However, it's still in its early stages and seeable of its popularity, the longer term of this technology is being anticipated to grow even more. Alexa and Google Assistant are one recent examples.

A way to do voice

In Voice seo, all the factors that are used for any content are used. The topic, voice content you create, its title, description ought to be in seo format in order that it will be legendary what the content of that audio is.

White hat vs black hat SEO

The SEO TECHNIQUE we tend to talked about to this point is that the White Hat Seo. And currently we are getting to comprehend Black hat SEO.


“Black Hat SEO” refers to the techniques and techniques that rank any web site or article by deceiving spam on search search engines. Through this technique, any article or website will be hierarchal quicker than white hat seo.

This is often a risky technique. once being identified, your website can be de-indexed or listed as spam websites, which can be terribly annoying for anyone.

Any intelligent person would really like to remain removed from this kind of technology. Use the technique on condition that you would like to push any of your content for a brief period.

SEO Conclusion:

Hope you guys have liked this info concerning what SEO is and the way you are doing it. during this article, I even have tried to convey complete information about SEO. If you've got any question about SEO, then please request the comments and that i can answer your question ASAP. If you share this text with your friends it facilitate American state to write down additional helpful article for you guys.

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