What is Database Management System Explain DBMS and its Types

What is Database Management System? What is DBMS?

Database Management System

Database Management System (DBMS) is meant to store and manage user’s data. Through this, data is hold on simply so they'll be easily accessed selectively. samples of software system are MySQL, Microsoft Access, SQL Server and so on

What's information?

Before understanding database management system, we've got to know what is database? Database could be a assortment of knowledge. This data is usually connected and sometimes it's related to the kid parent type and sometimes it is from a totally completely different domain. That is, in total, many sorts of data are stored in the software system, that are later accustomed classify, class, branch, and so on

History Of DBMS

The DBMS was designed for the primary time in 1960 by Charles Bachmann. within the year 1970, IBM i.e. International Business Machine launched its own DBMS, named info Management System (IMS). The DBMS ER model was outlined by Peter Chan within the year 1976.

The year 1991 was a revolutionary year for DBMS, until currently it had undergone several changes in 1980 and 1985 supported relation model and object orientation. however the big amendment came in 1991 that Microsoft launched its own software system Microsoft Access.

DBMS was connected to we tend tob|the net} in 1995. And in 1997 there was a change in DBMS that we still see today. That is, in DBMS, the employment of XML.

Blessings of DBMS

There are several advantages and options of a management system. the benefits and features of those are as follows:

  • It's a form of secure management system and it additionally removes uncalled-for processes. That is, if you would like to access any information, then you will not need to check the complete data. In today’s time, we discover it terribly easy, thanks to the look of software system. Whereas this wasn't the case before.
  • information in a very DBMS is viewed multiple times, and may be viewed by many various people.
  • The character of DBMS is self describe. That is, it not solely protects the data, further as its respect to different information, and its sort and subtype, of these can even be hold on by the DBMS.
  • In DBMS, NTTs and their relationships can be simply stored through tables that seem to be a typical theme, however this feature proves to be a boon in saving time once accessing information.

Varieties of DBMS 

The info hold on in a very DBMS is of various types, a number of it's going to be decision records or bill of expenses, some may additionally be client purchase information. Four types of DBMS are accustomed store differing kinds of data. they're of 4 types, Heirarchical, Network, Relational, Object Oriented allow us to fathom them in detail.

  • stratified Database: In hierarchical database, the data is organized sort of a tree and its branches. during this parent child format is used. For example, one info is that the parent information, followed by the kid information, followed by their child information. during this database, an information parent can have multiple children, however a baby cannot have multiple information parents.

  • Network information Model: This model is precisely just like the stratified model, but child information can even have multiple parent information.

  • Relative Model (RDBMS): This model is one among the foremost used models of DBMS. In this, the info is well organized with the assistance of rows and columns.

  • Object minded Model: Under this model information is unbroken within the type of objects. and sophistication is employed to divide those objects. completely different data is kept in several classes. during this each data members and operations are stored.

Uses of Database Management System

management System is used to store and manage necessary data in different sectors.

  1. Banking: management system is used in banking to store data of client information, deposit debit information, account activity and loan and so on
  2. University: management System is used in instructional establishments to store data from roll variety to result of students.
  3. Telecommunication: software system is employed for decision record, bill maintenance within the telecommunication sector.
  4. Sales: From client info to get records, it's hold on with the assistance of a management system.

DBMS Notes

DBMS – management System.
  • DBMS was first created in 1960 by Charles Bachmann.
  • The name of IBM’s DBMS is info Management System – IMS. it had been created in the year 1970.
  • The name of Microsoft’s DBMS is MS Access. it had been made in the year 1991.
  • Internet-connected DBMS were used for the primary time in 1995.
  • There are four varieties of software system. stratified management System, Network management System, computer database Management System, Object minded management System.
  • Out of the four types of DBMS, RDBMS i.e. computer database Management System is that the most used.
  • DBMS is employed in several sectors like Banking, Airline, University, Telecommunications, Finance, Sales, Production and Management and so on.
  • DBMS is principally thought of higher than file management system.
  • samples of database management systems: MySQL, Microsoft Access, Oracle, DBase, MariaDB, FoxPro.


Therefore friends, this was DBMS i.e. all the data regarding management System. management System has created our job abundant easier.
If we have a tendency to quote the price, it's terribly expensive, however it is therefore useful that different firms and establishments use it on top of its substitutes like file management system.

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